
The world's first Instagram CRM is here.

The world's first Instagram CRM is here.

Now you can:

🔔 Get notified when influencers or large brands follow your account.

🔔 Get notified when influencers or large brands follow you.

Get alerts sent to your social, partnerships or influencer marketing team if accounts with a minimum number of followers follow your profile. These alerts can be via email, Teams or Slack messages. Alerts can be also integrated into your teams workflow with tools like Asana, ClickUp and Moday.

📍 Target followers by location for your events or regional campaigns.

📍 Target followers by location for events or regional campaigns.

This was never before possible, but thanks to AI you can now ask the CRM questions like: "I'm having an event in London - what followers do I have near there that I could engage for influencer marketing or earlybird outreach campaigns?"

🧘‍♂️ Get reports and a database of your followers that updates automatically.

🧘‍♂️ Get reports and a database of followers that auto-updates.

Your influencer marketing, partnerships and sales teams can get daily, weekly or monthly report based on their needs. These reports will show them what new relevant followers you got that they should know about. For example, your influencer marketing team can now access a continually updating database of big and small influencers who follow you. This can then be used for various engagement outreach.

🧠 Filter your followers by things like follower count, location, and more.

🧠 Filter followers by follower count, location, and more.

Find followers by location for targeted outreach for your event marketing. Easily find micro/macro influencers who already follow you for collab or affiliate outreach. Filter your followers by business, personal accounts, location and much more!

📈 Discover influencers that follow you to explore collab and affiliate opportunities.

📈 Discover influencers who follow you to explore collab and affiliate opportunities.

If influencers already follow you, it's likely they'll be interested in collaborating with you for free or cost-efficiently. Now, you can find what influencers already follow you to then systematically reach out to them to see if they can support your campaigns.

🛡 Get a backup of your followers in case your page is deleted or hacked.

🛡 Get a backup of your followers in case your page is deleted or hacked.

Always have access to your follower data no matter what. Never lose information like what accounts used to follow you.

Always have access to your follower data no matter what. Never lose information like what accounts used to follow you.

🤳 Get a CRM of all your customers who post UGC content

🤳 Get a CRM of all your customers who post UGC content

Do you have customers tag you in their posts, but no way to track and filter through these for outreach and loyalty programs? Well, now you can do just that! Get a CRM of all your engaged UGC creators for your team to use in outreach for affiliates, giveaways or to use as part of your loyalty development programs. Now you'll easily know when a large influencer or average person posts and tags your brand to engage them in loyalty campaigns.


3 ways this CRM helps you

1. 💵 Events team

Your team can now ask the Instagram CRM questions like: "We have an event in London, which followers are London-based that I can invite?"


2. 🚀 Marketing team

Your team can get notified when influencers or large brands follow you. You can then engage these influencer supporters to explore opportunities collabs or affiliate deals.

3. 🤝 Partnerships team

3. 🤝 Partnerships team

If influencers or brands with a minimum number of followers for you, your partnerships team can get notified so they can see if there's value in reaching out for a potential collaboration.


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